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For God’s Sake Rest | Exodus 20:8–11 | Ten Commandments_#4
David Capistrant
David Capistrant
Sunday, July 9, 2023
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Title: For God’s Sake Rest | Commandment #4 (Sabbath)

Passage: Exodus 20:8–11 

Personal Reflection & Small Group Questions

  1. Looking back over your notes from this week’s sermon and text, what particularly caught your attention, challenged or confused you?
  2. On a scale of 1–10 (10 being way too busy and 1 being way too lazy), how would you rate your daily routine? What effect do you think this is having on your relationship with God and with others around you?
  3. How are you at observing the Sabbath? Do you take a weekly Sabbath as God commanded? If not, why? 
  4. Do you think it is more important to not murder or to observe the Sabbath? Or do you think that is a false dichotomy? Why? 
  5. If you do observe a weekly Sabbath, would you be willing to share your experience? If not, as a group, consider talking out what a Sabbath observance might look like.
  6. Looking back over this week’s sermon and study, what one thing is most important for you to remember and apply?