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The Greatest Commandment | Mark 12:28-34
David Shaw
David Shaw
Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Text:    Mark 12:28-34

Title:  The Greatest Commandment


I.   Love God (vv. 28-30)

II.  Love your Neighbors (v. 31)

III. Sacrificial Love (vv. 32-34)

Discussion Questions

  1. Why do people like to discuss “greatest” questions? When are these types of questions beneficial? When are they potentially harmful?
  2. Are some commandments more important than others? How do you know? Conversely, are some sins worse than other sins? How do you know?
  3. READ Deuteronomy 6:1-9. Verse 4 is perhaps the “center” of not only Deuteronomy, but the entire Old Testament. Why is this passage so important to Judaism and by extension the Christian faith?
  4. READ Mark 12:28-31. Why does Jesus add a second command to love our neighbors?
  5. Who are the neighbors that we are supposed to love?
  6. How do we love God and our neighbors? Practically, what can you do this week and in the upcoming month?