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When Is A Thief No Longer A Thief? | Exodus 20:15 | Ten Commandments_#8
David Capistrant
David Capistrant
Sunday, August 13, 2023
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Text:  Exodus 20:15

Title: When is a thief no longer a thief?


  • Answer:
  • On Earth as in Heaven 

Personal Reflection & Small Group Questions

Please complete this study on your own or use it in your Small Group for discussion.

  1. What constitutes stealing in our modern context?
  2. What did you think of the story about robbing someone of their joy? Have you ever considered how that is another example of stealing?
  3. How does stealing affect individuals and communities?
  4. What are some common justifications for stealing?
  5. When you think about what this command requires of us, what can you do to actively try to provide for others? Is there someone in your life right now who needs your help?
  6. How can the church body pray for you? Go to our prayer wall on our church app and post your prayer/praise requests.