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From Lips to Heart: Confronting Hypocrisy | Mark 7:1-23
David Capistrant
David Capistrant
Sunday, June 16, 2024
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Text: Mark 7:1-23

Title: From Lips to Heart: Confronting Hypocrisy


I. Surface Rituals vs. True Worship Mark 7:1-5

II. Identifying True Defilement Mark 7: 6-13

III. What Defines Us Mark 7:14-23

Personal Reflection & Small Group Questions

Please complete this study on your own, then bring it to your small group for discussion.

Individual Reflection:

  1. Read Matthew 23:13–36. List out the 7 warnings about hypocrisy.
  2. If your practices are not centered on worshiping God, what is their true purpose?
  3. How can we ensure that our religious practices are driven by a sincere desire to worship God?
  4. What do you need to ask from Jesus this week to ensure my actions and words reflect a sincere and pure heart? Pray now.


Small Group Reflection:

  1. Share about a time when you realized your actions in church were more about appearance than sincerity.
  2. How can we support each other in identifying and addressing hypocrisy in our lives? What practical steps can we take as a group to cultivate sincerity of heart over external performance?
  3. Spend intentional time praying as a group repenting from our hypocrisy and seek true transformation through Christ.
  4. What specific actions can you take this week to follow Jesus more closely, become more like Him, and engage more deeply in His mission?