
Genesis 2:4-25
Servant Rulers | Genesis 2:4-25

Title: Servant Rulers

Text: Genesis 2:4-25


  • Creation of Man vv. 4-7
  • Commission of Man vv. 8-17
  • Companion of Man vv. 18-25

Personal Reflection & Small Group Questions

Please complete this study on your own, then bring it to your small group for discussion.

  1. Who is the main actor in the creation of humanity according to this passage? In what ways does recognizing God, as the creator of humanity, impact our understanding of identity and purpose?
  2. Reflect on the concept of God breathing life into humanity. How does this distinguish humans from other created beings?
  3. How does the placement of Adam in the garden reflect God's intention for humanity's role in stewarding the created world? In what practical ways can we exercise responsible stewardship over the environment and resources God has entrusted to us?
  4. Explore the significance of Adam being given the responsibility of naming the animals. What does this imply about human creativity and authority?
  5. Identify the various relationships present in this passage (e.g., God and humanity, Adam and Eve, Adam and creation). How can the relationships portrayed in this passage guide and shape our own interactions with God, our spouses and the world around us?