Title: Time for a Test
Text: Genesis 42-45
A Test Of…
- Conscience (ch. 42)
- Jealously (ch. 43)
- Loyalty (ch. 44)
Discussion Questions
- What is something that stood out to you from this week’s message?
- Have you been wronged by someone in a big way where its effects continued on? Have you ever wronged someone in a manner like this? What happened?
- What is the purpose of a test in school? What is the purpose of God testing his followers?
- How do the three tests Joseph brings upon his brothers relate to testing God might do in our lives?
- Like Joseph forgave his brothers, God forgives those who come to him in humble repentance. Why does forgiveness need to come before reconciliation?
- Discuss what forgiveness consists of and doesn’t consist of. Why is ultimate forgiveness possible?
- Looking back over this week’s sermon and study, what is one thing is important for you to remember and apply?