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Mark 8:31-9:32

Text: Mark 8:31-9:32

Title: Conditions of Following Jesus


  • Shift the Center of Gravity v34
  • Suffering for the Gospel v35
  • Secured Only by God v36-37

Application questions:

  1. Looking back over your notes from this week’s sermon and text, what particularly caught your attention, challenged or confused you?
  2. What have you sacrificed for? Why did you do it? Would you do it again?
  3. How does the cost of discipleship compare with the benefits?
  4. How does Jesus' message about the worth of one's soul challenge the value system of our world today?
  5. How can we support each other as a community in bearing our crosses and following Jesus?
  6. Looking back over this week’s sermon and study, what one thing is most important for you to remember and apply?