
Mark 10:1-52

Text:    Mark 10:1-52

Title:  The Gift of Childlike Faith


Personal Reflection & Small Group Questions

Please complete this study on your own, then bring it to your small group for discussion.

  1. Looking back over this week's sermon and passage, what particular point stood out to you, challenged you, or left you with questions?
  2. If you could regain one quality from your childhood, what would it be and why?
  3. What does it truly mean to "receive the kingdom of God like a little child"? How does this impact your understanding of faith?
  4. In your daily life, how can you actively serve others as Jesus taught His disciples? What challenges or opportunities do you face?
  5. Like Bartimaeus, what practical steps can you take to cultivate a persistent faith that continues to call on Jesus, even when faced with discouragement or opposition?
  6. Reflecting on today's sermon and study, what is one key truth you want to remember and apply this week? How can you begin to live it out?