
Mark 11:1-26

Text:    Mark 11:1-26

Title:  King Jesus is the Savior for All Nations

Main idea: Delight in Jesus the Savior King of the nations.

Outline (fill in the blank)

  1. A _________ 1-11
  2. A _________ 12-14
  3. A _________ 15-19
  4. A _________ 20-25


Personal Reflection & Small Group Questions

Please complete this study on your own, then bring it to your small group for discussion.

  1. What is the grandest entrance you have seen? A celebrity? British royalty? Music Artist?
  2. Why didn’t Jesus use His power and growing popularity to make a grand entrance? How might His ultimate mission have failed if He had done so?
  3. Do you think you would have been among the many who welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem with shouts of “Hosanna!”? Or do you think you would be of those days later who cried “Crucify Him!”?
  4. If Jesus came to Living Hope on a Sunday. What would Jesus see when watching our worship and activities?
  5. How are the fig tree and the temple alike?
  6. What is the definition of fruitlessness in Christian faith? In a church? What fruit does God want to see?
  7. Looking back over this week’s sermon and study, what one thing is most important for you to remember and apply?