Text:   Mark 13:1-37

Title:  Do Not be Anxious About the End Times


I.   Jesus Foretells the Future (v. 1-8)

II.  Jesus Prepares us for Persecution (v. 9-13)

III. Jesus Warns of Intense Tribulation (v. 14-27)

IV. Stay Awake for Jesus is Coming Again (v. 28-37)

Discussion Questions

  1. Looking back over your notes from this week’s sermon and text, what particularly caught your attention challenged or confused you?
  2. Have you ever heard someone predict the end of the world? How did you react at the time and what do you think now in light of Jesus’ teaching in Mark 13?
  3. How would you respond to someone who claims they know the exact date of Jesus’ return? What biblical truths would guide your response?
  4. What is discouraging about Jesus’ predications of end times? What is encouraging about the predictions before the events happen? 
  5. What is your favorite worship song or hymn that celebrates Jesus’ second coming? How does it inspire you to live with greater hope and anticipation?
  6. What is the most important takeaway for you? How can you apply it this week in a practical way to stay spiritually alert and ready for Jesus' return?