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Text:    Mark 14:1-11

Title: Plot, Perfume, and a Price of Betrayal


I.   Plot to Kill (v. 1-2)

II.  Perfume of Devotion (v. 3-9)

III. Price of Betrayal (v. 10-11)

Discussion Questions

  1. Looking back over your notes from this week’s sermon and text, what particularly caught your attention, challenged or confused you?
  2. Where do you see hostility toward Jesus or His message today? How might you respond to it in a way that honors Him?
  3. What does the woman's act of anointing Jesus in Bethany teach us about devotion and sacrifice? 
  4. What is your “perfume of devotion” that you can bring to Jesus this week—something costly, beautiful and from the heart? How can you worship Him in a way that reflects His worthiness?
  5. Judas agreed to betray Jesus for money. What modern forms of betrayal do we see in our lives or society today, and how can we guard against them?
  6. How does recognizing Jesus, as a worthy King who willingly faced betrayal, inspire you to respond to Him differently this week, in your worship and daily life?