Text: Mark 14:1-11
Title: Plot, Perfume, and a Price of Betrayal
I. Plot to Kill (v. 1-2)
II. Perfume of Devotion (v. 3-9)
III. Price of Betrayal (v. 10-11)
Discussion Questions
- Looking back over your notes from this week’s sermon and text, what particularly caught your attention, challenged or confused you?
- Where do you see hostility toward Jesus or His message today? How might you respond to it in a way that honors Him?
- What does the woman's act of anointing Jesus in Bethany teach us about devotion and sacrifice?
- What is your “perfume of devotion” that you can bring to Jesus this week—something costly, beautiful and from the heart? How can you worship Him in a way that reflects His worthiness?
- Judas agreed to betray Jesus for money. What modern forms of betrayal do we see in our lives or society today, and how can we guard against them?
- How does recognizing Jesus, as a worthy King who willingly faced betrayal, inspire you to respond to Him differently this week, in your worship and daily life?