Text: Genesis 21:1-7
Title: The Promise of an Unexpected King
I. Unexpected Promise (vv. 1-2)
II. Unexpected Name (vv. 3-4)
III. Unstoppable Joy (vv. 5-7)
Application Questions:
- How does the birth of Isaac affirm God's faithfulness to His promises? How does Jesus’ birth affirm God’s faithfulness?
- In what ways do we box God into our own expectations? How does this passage challenge us to trust His unexpected plans?
- Sarah’s joy was rooted in seeing God’s faithfulness. What has God done in your life that brings you joy today?
- How does reflecting on the fulfillment of God's promises deepen your anticipation for Jesus's return?
- How has God kept promises to you? Take some time to journal or pray about these moments, offering thanks and praise or a prayer of trust.