Text: Ephesians 1:1-2 and 6:21-24
Title: New Year of Grace and Peace
Fill in the blank:
United with ________
Blessed with ________
Blessed with ________
Personal Reflection & Small Group Questions
Please complete this study on your own, then bring it to your small group for discussion.
- Looking back over your notes from this week’s sermon and text, what particularly caught your attention, challenged or confused you?
- Study Philippians 4:6-7. How can prayer help you experience the peace of God in your life? How is this peace different from the world's idea of peace?
- Read Colossians 3:15. What would it look like for the peace of Christ to "rule" over your thoughts, decisions and relationships this year?
- How have you experienced God’s grace in the past year? In what area of your life do you need to trust His grace more this year?
- Paul emphasizes "grace and peace" at the start and end of his letter. How might this truth bookend your own daily life or routines this year?
- Looking back over this week’s sermon and study, what one thing is most important for you to remember and apply?