Registrations and sign-ups

Here are things that need a registration form completed.  

Kids & Youth Registration

 If your child(ren) and/or youth will be participating in our Sunday morning and/or Wednesday night programming, please register below.  This form is used for all children and youth, ages 0-18 and needs to be updated each year.

Women's Bible Studies

How can we trust a God we do not know and how can we know God unless we study His great love letter to us - the Bible!  Come and seek God through His Word and get to know other women with the same heart to know and serve Him.

Click the Study time below to register:
Monday PM Study
Wednesday AM Study
Wednesday PM Study

Men's Bible Studies

Come and seek God through His Word and get to know other men with the same heart and grow deeper in your walk with the Lord.

Parent Child Dedication

We know that the very first and best place children learn about the love of Jesus is at home.  It’s our joy to come alongside you to encourage, provide resources, and help you be great parents as you lead your children to the knowledge of Christ.  

Information Classes are offered the week before a Dedication Sunday to get to know your family and answer questions you might have.

Baptism Information

If you have never been baptized by immersion as a follower of Jesus, we want to help you take this next step.  We offer periodic baptism classes throughout the year that provides a great place to learn more about believer's baptism and what God's Word has to say about it.  We would love to walk with you in this.

Wednesday Night
Family Meal

Wednesday night meals are available from 5:00 - 5:45 in the Activity Center.  Whether you are serving or attending KidzLife, Youth group, or adult Bible study, we want to make it easier for you as a family to come, enjoy a meal and plug in on Wednesday nights.  RSVP below please.
Cost is $4 per person or $16 for a family

Membership Matters

Our Membership Matters Course is offered a few times throughout the year.  If you are considering membership at Living Hope or just want to know more about us, we invite you to attend our next course. Sign up to stay informed. 

2025 Camp Sponsorship

Please click the button below if:  
1) You are a camper wanting to request a sponsor; or
2) You are an adult wanting to sign up to be a sponsor.  
Prayer and/or financial support needed.

Thank you for your generosity in helping make camp a possibility for our youth/children.